Shop / Specials / Stationery / Calendar & Co.
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Magnet Jo eh. 5 x 5 cm
dress up your Fridge & Co.Magnet friends not food 6,8 x 4,4 cm
dress up your Fridge & Co.Block Remember, 9.8 x 21 cm
50 Sheets with sturdy glue BindingHappy Birthday Matches
including Birthday CandlesMagnet button friends not food Ø 5 cm
dress up your Fridge & Co.Pad First coffee DIN A6
for your daily To-do ListBirthday calendar DIN A2
in simple black and white Design
Your preferred configuration is currently out-of-stock.
Advent calendar Anticipation 30cm
reusable Cotton CalendarAdvent calendar Merry Christmas 30cm
reusable Cotton CalendarPoster Rail black A3
magnetic Poster Rail
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